





  It is now easy to renew a long-lasting sheen and to harden the surfaces of marble and stone agglomerates without using wax or resin. Just use “Cristal-Glass”Vertifier. A thermo chemical reaction known as “crystallization”is obtained by the use of a single-disc polishing-machine which lets the calcium carbonate(a natural marble component)to be dissolved by mild acids and mixed with vitrifying agents produces a shiny and extremely hard surface that looks like glass. Porosities are completely sealed, and the floor becomes much more resistant to traffic. It is used to maintain polish given by our crystallizer “Vetro-Glass”The range of use: Marble, line-stone. Quantity of use: One litre for about 80㎡ materials.
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您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 石材養護 > 拋光 > 比利牌云石地臺晶亮劑...
宗藝石材 靈壽縣靈碩石材廠 Lg


  • 原產地:意大利
  • 規格:800x800x20mm
  • 類型:石材養護 - 拋光
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2011-05-19 10:10:30
關于   比利牌云石地臺晶亮劑B2  的詳細介紹:







  It is now easy to renew a long-lasting sheen and to harden the surfaces of marble and stone agglomerates without using wax or resin. Just use “Cristal-Glass”Vertifier. A thermo chemical reaction known as “crystallization”is obtained by the use of a single-disc polishing-machine which lets the calcium carbonate(a natural marble component)to be dissolved by mild acids and mixed with vitrifying agents produces a shiny and extremely hard surface that looks like glass. Porosities are completely sealed, and the floor becomes much more resistant to traffic. It is used to maintain polish given by our crystallizer “Vetro-Glass”The range of use: Marble, line-stone. Quantity of use: One litre for about 80㎡ materials.
