
  “MILCH” Range

  Once the first treatment on marble, quarry and ceramic floor tiles is applied, “MILCH” range will satisfy the maintenance need. These products diluted in water are non-toxic and, give a warm, dry and long-lasting shine. They contain no resins. Synthetic raw materials present in the composition allow for easy application and prevent shading.
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您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 石材養護 > 拋光 > 比利牌瓷磚、大理石、...
宗藝石材 靈壽縣靈碩石材廠 湖北省日興石材 有限公司 Lg


  • 原產地:意大利
  • 規格:800x800x20mm
  • 類型:石材養護 - 拋光
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2011-06-27 14:29:18
關于  比利牌瓷磚、大理石、花崗石、紅磚亮光蠟水 的詳細介紹:


  “MILCH” Range

  Once the first treatment on marble, quarry and ceramic floor tiles is applied, “MILCH” range will satisfy the maintenance need. These products diluted in water are non-toxic and, give a warm, dry and long-lasting shine. They contain no resins. Synthetic raw materials present in the composition allow for easy application and prevent shading.
