


  STRONG 2000

  Hydro repellent impregnator, it consolidates and protects marble, granite and stone from water and humidity penetration. Gives optimum protection to acid rains. A very important function of STRONG 2000 is its consolidating action: thanks to its special formulation it consolidates brittle and fragile stones(limestone, sandstone etc)and stones worn out by the weather that without a proper maintenance will further deteriorate. STRONG 2000 prevents the marble calcification.
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您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 石材養護 > 保養 > 比利牌STRONG2000加硬...
岑溪陳三石材廠 金祥石業 洪君 康利德石業 宇軒石材 安星 云浮市萬和石材工具有限公司


  • 原產地:意大利
  • 規格:800x800x20mm
  • 類型:石材養護 - 保養
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2011-05-19 10:11:06
關于 比利牌STRONG2000加硬防水油 的詳細介紹:




  STRONG 2000

  Hydro repellent impregnator, it consolidates and protects marble, granite and stone from water and humidity penetration. Gives optimum protection to acid rains. A very important function of STRONG 2000 is its consolidating action: thanks to its special formulation it consolidates brittle and fragile stones(limestone, sandstone etc)and stones worn out by the weather that without a proper maintenance will further deteriorate. STRONG 2000 prevents the marble calcification.
