此產品是二種功能防水及防油劑,此種化學功能特別優質,涂上是完全不會改變石顏色,保持原石天然感覺不變,即防水又能防油漬。例如有時因建筑風格及藝術原因要求,自然石像古董石所用BOSH HAMMERED雕刻樣石有FIAMMED STOVES焰石。這種作法使用面積特別能吸水就可能有水印、油污及污漬。比利防水及防油IDEA HP可以解決這問題,適合已磨石料。IDEA HP能滲透入石料內層,也能使石料呼吸,而且不會退色,保持原來顏色,在室內溫度IDEA HP防火、無味、無毒,所以可以完全使用。


  Water and oil repellent for marble, granite and stones

  Sometimes for architectural and aesthetic reasons unpolished stones like antique marble, bush hammered and flamed stones are used. These finishing make the surfaces particularly absorbent with water marks, oily stains and efflorescence. The new water and oil repellent IDEA HP. It contains a polymer modified with halogen group. It is also optimal for polished material. IDEA HP does not change the natural colour of the stone; does not create unsightly plastic film. Laboratory test shows IDEA HP resists well to UV rays and the colour does not change even after prolonged time and it is safe, water and oil repellent most suitable for façade, table, kitchen, vanity tops etc.

  Where to apply: marble, granite, stone, cement and artificial stones.

  Application: Clean and dry well the surface to be treated and apply IDEA HP evenly with a cloth, brush or other proper tool which can remove any excess.

  Yield: 10 square metres approx. per l litre when applied on polished material.

  Packing: 12 tins of l litre tin per carton, 3 tins of 5 litres tin per carton, l drum of 30lires.
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您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 石材養護 > 防護 > 比利牌防水油及防油劑...
湖北省日興石材 有限公司 Lg 1 宗藝石材 靈壽縣靈碩石材廠


  • 原產地:意大利
  • 規格:800x800x20mm
  • 類型:石材養護 - 防護
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2011-05-19 10:13:21
關于 比利牌防水油及防油劑(易地雅P系列) 的詳細介紹:

  此產品是二種功能防水及防油劑,此種化學功能特別優質,涂上是完全不會改變石顏色,保持原石天然感覺不變,即防水又能防油漬。例如有時因建筑風格及藝術原因要求,自然石像古董石所用BOSH HAMMERED雕刻樣石有FIAMMED STOVES焰石。這種作法使用面積特別能吸水就可能有水印、油污及污漬。比利防水及防油IDEA HP可以解決這問題,適合已磨石料。IDEA HP能滲透入石料內層,也能使石料呼吸,而且不會退色,保持原來顏色,在室內溫度IDEA HP防火、無味、無毒,所以可以完全使用。


  Water and oil repellent for marble, granite and stones

  Sometimes for architectural and aesthetic reasons unpolished stones like antique marble, bush hammered and flamed stones are used. These finishing make the surfaces particularly absorbent with water marks, oily stains and efflorescence. The new water and oil repellent IDEA HP. It contains a polymer modified with halogen group. It is also optimal for polished material. IDEA HP does not change the natural colour of the stone; does not create unsightly plastic film. Laboratory test shows IDEA HP resists well to UV rays and the colour does not change even after prolonged time and it is safe, water and oil repellent most suitable for façade, table, kitchen, vanity tops etc.

  Where to apply: marble, granite, stone, cement and artificial stones.

  Application: Clean and dry well the surface to be treated and apply IDEA HP evenly with a cloth, brush or other proper tool which can remove any excess.

  Yield: 10 square metres approx. per l litre when applied on polished material.

  Packing: 12 tins of l litre tin per carton, 3 tins of 5 litres tin per carton, l drum of 30lires.
