關于 比利牌防水防油著色劑;易地雅C系列(濕樣) 的詳細介紹:
本品具備有三種功能效果,有較強防水、防油功能,且能著色于石面深層不會走色,用于中東米黃類石材是很有效果。近年石料市場有一種走向喜歡自然啞光如雕刻及焰石。廠家都在尋找產品來美化石料,比利公司研究出一種新IDEA XC可有著色濕樣,既防水又能防油三種功能,它是一種水溶性化學劑,可讓石料呼吸,所以不會退色,涂上風干即可。在室內有防火、無味、無毒、可完全使用。比利公司經多年研究,化學技術革新之一(三種功效,防水、防油、著色(濕樣)劑),它不但美化石料,也防止表面污漬等。可以使用在云石、花崗石、自然石及人造石類等。
使用方法:用布、刷等把表面污漬抹干后才用,如果石料吸收力很強,須再擦一遍,*后使用時必須在2個小時內有IDEA XC用過的布把整過擦一次
Water and oil repellent for marble,granite and stones
Recently the stone market has been introducing of new unpolished finishing like antique marble, flamed and bush numbered. The stone manufactures are looking for a product which gives them a pleasant wet look to stone. Bellinzoni manufactures IDEA XC gives this effect and it is water and oil repellent. It allows the stone to treat and it is non-inflammable and colour less. It can also protect from stain caused by oil and other peretrating aulstances. Yield: 10 square metres approx. per l litre when applied on polished material.