




  Antique Finish Liquid "VIEUX"

  Marble and mankind have been joined in history for centuries. Old villas and ancient castles stand as witnesses to the beauty of marble. With the use of antique finish VIEUX even in a modern house full of modern appliances, we can enjoy the traditional because VIEUX lends the marble a warm and noble appearance, enhancing the colour beauty and quality. What nature has produced over centuries can now be reproduced in a few minutes, thanks to antique finish VIEUX. This product is non-inflammable.
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洪君 康利德石業 宇軒石材 岑溪陳三石材廠 金祥石業 富民石材 宏奕石業 河南南陽華鴻實業有限公司


  • 原產地:意大利
  • 規格:800x800x20mm
  • 類型:石材養護 - 拋光
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2011-05-19 10:11:40
關于 比利牌VIEUX古石恢復光澤特效蠟水 的詳細介紹:






  Antique Finish Liquid "VIEUX"

  Marble and mankind have been joined in history for centuries. Old villas and ancient castles stand as witnesses to the beauty of marble. With the use of antique finish VIEUX even in a modern house full of modern appliances, we can enjoy the traditional because VIEUX lends the marble a warm and noble appearance, enhancing the colour beauty and quality. What nature has produced over centuries can now be reproduced in a few minutes, thanks to antique finish VIEUX. This product is non-inflammable.
