2、采用3節2米長的固定軌道進行導向,使用方便/with three tracks of two meters each, the track is light in weight and easy to handle.
3、采用大功率變頻器控制飛輪主電機的旋轉速度+小變頻器控制設備的行走速度;PLC控制/use one big inverter to control the rotation speed of the flywheel(the main motor), one small invertoer to control the traverse speed of the machine.control by PLC.
4、在切割時可實現串珠繩恒張力及行走小車運行速度的自動控制可實現手動、自動控制的自動切換功能,即停止手動調協,系統將自動轉入自動控制狀態能實時跟蹤負載的變化情況,科學調整機臺的行走速度,使串珠繩始終處于較佳的工作狀態/make the Diamond Wire Saw Strainconstantly and the speed of moving truck automatically controlled;make the control manually or automatically, that is when stop manually operating,it will automatically turn to the state of self-driven.allow the Diamond Wire Saw work efficiently all the time by changing the speed of the moving machine according to the tracking of the load.
5、具有斷繩保護功能/Have pcotection system when wire rope broken.
6、手動調整飛輪高度,切不同高度的水平面/control the flywheel height's adjustment manually, can cut different height horizontal face.
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