2、該機可一機多用,具有垂直、水平、傾斜三種作業功能/it is multifunctional, available for vertical, horizontal, slant drilling
3、該機采用鏈輪、鏈條推進,可自動鉆進, 提升速度快。圓形減速機,水平作業可使鉆機緊貼地面鉆孔,并具備足夠扭力/The support column has a special fixing system with a spherical joint and an anchoring down jack which permits drilling in all directions.Other construction characteristics permit the drill height from the ground to be kept to a minimum, in the case of horizontal drill.
4、該機底座球頭結構,可萬向轉動,完成鑿巖定位點的調整。專用鍥塊固定,操作簡便,實用性強/the base of the machine can turn to any direction to adjust the drilling anchor point, fixed by special pins, which is easy to operate and high practicability.
5、底座采用四個調節螺絲,可任意調整高度,以適應不同的作業環境,而且配有自鎖螺母,穩定性能好/the base of the machine can turn to any direction to adjust the drilling anchor point, fixed by special pins, which is easy to operate and high practicability.with four adjusting  screws can adjust the height at will to be suitable for different cutting situation, also equip locknuts, high stability.
6、該機可配置兩種不同規格直徑的沖擊器,可根據需要隨意更換,鑿孔速度快,精度高/this machine can equip two different diameter down-the-hole hammer, can repalce anytime if required. Fast drilling speed with high accuracy

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您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 機械設備 > 開采設備 > 汽電動潛孔鉆
Lg 湖北省日興石材 有限公司 1 宗藝石材 靈壽縣靈碩石材廠


  • 原產地:福建
  • 規格:QDZ65-90
  • 類型:機械設備 - 開采設備
  • 最小訂單量:1臺
  • 供應能力:1000臺
  • 發布時間:2009-12-31 08:52:40
關于 汽電動潛孔鉆 的詳細介紹:
1、用于礦山機械開采石材的大孔徑鉆孔/mainly used for making large diameter holes  in all stone quarries.
2、該機可一機多用,具有垂直、水平、傾斜三種作業功能/it is multifunctional, available for vertical, horizontal, slant drilling
3、該機采用鏈輪、鏈條推進,可自動鉆進, 提升速度快。圓形減速機,水平作業可使鉆機緊貼地面鉆孔,并具備足夠扭力/The support column has a special fixing system with a spherical joint and an anchoring down jack which permits drilling in all directions.Other construction characteristics permit the drill height from the ground to be kept to a minimum, in the case of horizontal drill.
4、該機底座球頭結構,可萬向轉動,完成鑿巖定位點的調整。專用鍥塊固定,操作簡便,實用性強/the base of the machine can turn to any direction to adjust the drilling anchor point, fixed by special pins, which is easy to operate and high practicability.
5、底座采用四個調節螺絲,可任意調整高度,以適應不同的作業環境,而且配有自鎖螺母,穩定性能好/the base of the machine can turn to any direction to adjust the drilling anchor point, fixed by special pins, which is easy to operate and high practicability.with four adjusting  screws can adjust the height at will to be suitable for different cutting situation, also equip locknuts, high stability.
6、該機可配置兩種不同規格直徑的沖擊器,可根據需要隨意更換,鑿孔速度快,精度高/this machine can equip two different diameter down-the-hole hammer, can repalce anytime if required. Fast drilling speed with high accuracy

