The premiun stone Rosewood newly exploited by LESHAN GUANGHE STONE FOCTARY from its own mine, has the veins of real wood and much better cluste and hardness, can be widely used in the decoration of buildings especially suitable for machining into various special shapes such as lines,parapets,cylinders and so on.  We sincerly welcome customers all over the world for business cooperation." />


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岑溪陳三石材廠 金祥石業 洪君 康利德石業 宇軒石材 安星 云浮市萬和石材工具有限公司


  • 原產地:四川
  • 規格:600*300*20
  • 類型:荒料&石板材 - 其它
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2017-08-11 08:48:17
關于 "紫檀"木石材 的詳細介紹:

The premiun stone Rosewood newly exploited by LESHAN GUANGHE STONE FOCTARY from its own mine, has the veins of real wood and much better cluste and hardness, can be widely used in the decoration of buildings especially suitable for machining into various special shapes such as lines,parapets,cylinders and so on.  We sincerly welcome customers all over the world for business cooperation.
