Open up the stone material in the homeland –GanSu”ZhangZihei” andlusite sheet material meet home and abroad businessmen first time. .
The material quality structure is unique .it contains 26%the metal aluminum and 29%the oxide silicon .the material quality is good .After authority unit detecting,the hardness>7.6.ore structure stability equation The sheet material chromatic aberration is minimal, the color is swarthy. surface smoothness>93.the stone material breed is many .since ore phenocryst structure is rude with speckle ,thin particle speckle .The stone material breed composes severe tens kind specification as many as the more than ten kind :the exploded “ZhangZihei” andlusite sheet material amounts to 100milion cubes ,the ore reserves ascertain greatly .It exploit fixed numbers of last a century .the ore is easy to dig .it is exposed mine several tens meters of discrepancy in elevation peak stand in great numbers are a nature quarry .The stone material radioactivity nuclide is lower than a nation standard .checked by Beijing construction project mass checks center :”radioactivity nuclide inner irradiates exponent IRa and the outside Ir being smaller than the in organic A kind metalloid building material radioactivity index equally limiting the quantity 1.0.measures indeterminacy  being smaller than 25% “traffic goes to lavatory .the mine is located in GanSu province center . It is 57 kilometers far away from GanSu –sea railroad. highway landline are all-round ,the load lathers to mine can two-way run .mine height is high 2300meters .it can exploits the average year.The company passes the competes and obtain the right of the mine exploit.
Except for as said above “ZhangZihei” sheet material .the company also have reserves “ZhangZihong” No1.No2.No3granite.zhangzibai”No1.No2.No3Dali rocks and so on.
Our company cordially welcome to work together with home and abroad’s businessman .and exploit and develop this “ZhangZihei”andlusite sheet material that unique in the whole world.
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您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 荒料&石板材 > 其它 > 石材新品種
康利德石業 洪君 宇軒石材 岑溪陳三石材廠 金祥石業 富民石材 河南南陽華鴻實業有限公司 宏奕石業


  • 原產地:甘肅
  • 規格:1*1*1
  • 類型:荒料&石板材 - 其它
  • 最小訂單量:
  • 供應能力:
  • 發布時間:2007-05-19 13:55:46
關于 石材新品種 的詳細介紹:
Production brief introduction
Open up the stone material in the homeland –GanSu”ZhangZihei” andlusite sheet material meet home and abroad businessmen first time. .
The material quality structure is unique .it contains 26%the metal aluminum and 29%the oxide silicon .the material quality is good .After authority unit detecting,the hardness>7.6.ore structure stability equation The sheet material chromatic aberration is minimal, the color is swarthy. surface smoothness>93.the stone material breed is many .since ore phenocryst structure is rude with speckle ,thin particle speckle .The stone material breed composes severe tens kind specification as many as the more than ten kind :the exploded “ZhangZihei” andlusite sheet material amounts to 100milion cubes ,the ore reserves ascertain greatly .It exploit fixed numbers of last a century .the ore is easy to dig .it is exposed mine several tens meters of discrepancy in elevation peak stand in great numbers are a nature quarry .The stone material radioactivity nuclide is lower than a nation standard .checked by Beijing construction project mass checks center :”radioactivity nuclide inner irradiates exponent IRa and the outside Ir being smaller than the in organic A kind metalloid building material radioactivity index equally limiting the quantity 1.0.measures indeterminacy  being smaller than 25% “traffic goes to lavatory .the mine is located in GanSu province center . It is 57 kilometers far away from GanSu –sea railroad. highway landline are all-round ,the load lathers to mine can two-way run .mine height is high 2300meters .it can exploits the average year.The company passes the competes and obtain the right of the mine exploit.
Except for as said above “ZhangZihei” sheet material .the company also have reserves “ZhangZihong” No1.No2.No3granite.zhangzibai”No1.No2.No3Dali rocks and so on.
Our company cordially welcome to work together with home and abroad’s businessman .and exploit and develop this “ZhangZihei”andlusite sheet material that unique in the whole world.
